Except when mentioned otherwise, all contents (texts, sounds, images, softwares, logo, brand, etc.) published on www.pumfactory.it are protected according to national and international laws on Intellectual Property. The use of any document from Pum Factory’s website is permitted for information purposes for personal use only. Under the reserves of the dispositions of the “legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633, e dal Titolo IX del Libro Quinto del codice civile italiano“, any reproduction and/or communication of part or the whole of this content to the public is submitted to prior authorization.
Pum Factory is striving to ensure to the best of its possibilities the exactitude and the update of the information published on this website, which Pum Factory reserves itself the right to correct at any time and without prior notification. Therefore, the visitor is warned that it is the visitor’s responsibility to verify the information by other means, including contacting the associations Pum Facotry. Consequently, Pum Factory is declining all responsibility: for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the available information on this website; for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party, and ensuing modifications of the information available on this website; and more generally, for all damages, direct or indirect, whichever the causes, origins, nature or consequences are, provoked by the website access by anyone, or by the impossibility to access the website, as well as the use of the website and/or the trust given to any information coming directly or indirectly from it. All the brands mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners/companies.
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Changes of the use policy:
Pum Factory is able to change the present use policy, the users of the website www.pumfactory.it are therefore invited to consult it regularly.
Credits :
Site built on WordPress
AD : Editorial PUM Factory
This website is edited by the Association PUM Factory