Create the new PUM Logo!
Logo definition: A logo (abbreviation of logotype,[2] from Greek: λόγος logos “word” and τύπος typos “imprint”) is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations, and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. There are purely graphic emblems, symbols, icons and logos, which are composed of the name of the organisation (a logotype or wordmark). [source: Wikipedia].
With pleasure, we want to introduce you, the launch of the contest for the realization of the new Pisa Underground Movement Logo!
Who can partecipate to the creation of the PUM logo? Everyone can partecipate, with no limits of age, ethnicity, professions, place and more..
What shall I do for creating a logo? Download, read the attachment and send us before the 31st of october 2016 the requested documents!
What I will win? The winner, chosen by the jury, will win a money prize of 100€ and a PUM t-shirt. The jury also selects one graphic that will be printed on t-shirts and the winner is going receive 4 t-shirts. For every participant there could be the chance to start a collaboration for our future graphics projects!
You think to not be able to do it? Don’t be afraid, if you have any kind of idea express it in your way and send it to us!
For further information you can write us at our mail address info@pumfactory.it or on our Facebook page.
We are waiting for you!
Download the regulation -> pum-competition-01
Download the sign-in form -> allegato-1-iscrizione_registration-eng
Download the copyright transfer form -> allegato-2-cessione-copyright-eng